Wednesday, August 17, 2011

...this one time, at [not band camp]...

II am not a baker.  All that measuring, and perfecting -- well, that just ain't me!  But, gimme a few ingredients and tell me I have to cook something with them; that I can do
I started creating meal plans, oh...a week ago.  And have found that because Chuck thought it was ok for him to go grocery shopping because of certain factors, I was unable to stick to my shopping list, and am was ever so slightly scared that I would not be able to adhere to my meal plan for this week.  (Or next...or the one after that...and that...and -- you get it!)

Well, gee, lookey here; I cooked up some stuffed peppers.  And just like my meal plan said I should.  I'll be; gimme a damn cookie!

They aren't pretty.  But, damn! are they delish!  I'll try to post the recipe -- if I can remember what I did -- later today!

Ohhhhhh. By. the. way.  Can I just say?  Grapes.  Grapes, grapes, grapes.

Ya know how Monica likes watermelon?  Yeah.  We should double date.

How about you: are you a better baker or cook?  Do you prefer one over the other?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lettuce Face!!

Heh, I've got lettuce hanging out of my mouth.  I admit, I am not a pretty, dainty little eater.  I'm generally kinda messy -- ask Chuck.

Well, I almost forgot to take a picture of this before devouring it.  Yummy salad with mixed greens, carrots, cucumbers, and chicken patty.  No dressing.  Ever.  But evoo is ok, sometimes.

Shake it!  Shake it, real good!

See? That fork has food on it.

I had some ohmigosh juicy delicious grapes to go along with my lunch... but, alas, my camera refuses to cooperate!!  Please imagine me stamping my foot with my arms folded and forehead wrinkled.

Yum!  Lunch is goooooooooooooood!

For the horses...

I had some early fodder for a What Grinds My Gears Wednesday post...accept now I can't remember what I was bitching about earlier.  D'oh well.

Anyhoo, you may be wondering what happened to Move It Monday, yesterday.  To be honest, nothing.  I just didn't plan anything for this week.  I've got enough housework and laundry to do to fill all my free time (and act as my activity for this week) so Move It Monday will have to wait until next week.  Well...maybe.  o.O

I've pretty much gotten into my food groove for this week, so I'm not too bothered or worried about today's Trashy Tuesday.  I feel pretty confident I've got a handle on this.  I got 'dis!  Hopefully, the worst I do today is eat another Nutty Buddy.  Can I help it if those things are a d d i c t i v e ?

To start my day out today I've got some Liberte yogurt, and some knock off brand of veggie chips from my local Aldi.

Just kidding!  That's my Oikos from yesterday.  Just thought I'd share!
Mmmmm, black cherry... tasted. so. good.

I am loving this Mediterranean style yogurt.

But don't let those chips fool you!
You can't tell in that photo, but they're different colors.  Like, to make them look kinda like Terra Chips.  But they're not.  They're a lie.  I totally got duped on this one, thinking that if something is called a veggie chip, then it should be made out of vegetables.  Apparently, this company did not get the same memo as me, because it's potatoes made to look like veggies with some kinda coloring.

Are you good about reading the ingredients in an item before purchase, or are you sad, sorry, and pathetic like me and just pick up whatever only to be thoroughly disappointed when you get home?

Monday, August 15, 2011

And there will be rainbows...

This weekend was a total far as productivity goes, anyhow.

My [planned] schedule looked a little something like this:

7:30 - Wake up, make breakfast, get Chuck on the way to his Dad's to set up for party.
8:00/8:30 - Sneak in workout
8:30 - Kitchen, kitchen.  KITCHEN (it was a mess.  Bold, italicized, underlined.)
9:30 - 12:00 - Laundry and tidy rest of house
12:00 - 1:00 - Get ready for party (like showering my stinky ass)
1:00 - Leave for party, get there super early to bother honey while he's setting up.  Most likely get forced conned into helping.

9:30 - Wake up, make breakfast, eat said breakfast
10:00/10:30 - Send Chuck on his merry way to shoot guns with his dad
10:30 - Whenever - Clean, clean, clean.   Maybe watch some tv.

Aaaand here's what my weekend really looked like.

Hit snooze every 10 minutes between 7:30 and 10:00, when I finally gave up and turned the damn thing off.
Sleep until 12:00
Begin getting ready at 1:00 for the 2:00 party
Get to party 1.5 hours late.  Just in time to stuff face and have a nasty Twisted Tea.  (I do not like those, I discovered, so I will from now on stick with Mike's Hard Lemonade.  I knew I like lemonade better, anyhow.  Sweet tea sucks.  'Nuff said on this subject, I think.)
Stay at Chuck's Dad's house until late.  Go home.  Stay up even later.

Sleep until 12:00.  Again.
Get nothing done until Jeff shows up.  Go to grocery store and Walmart. 
Come home, find someone has stolen Chuck's beloved Moped. 
Start putting groceries away while Chuck and Jeff disappear looking for said moped.
Call cops when Chuck and Jeff come back and have found said moped.  Two courts away.  What dumbass steals anything and hides it Two. Courts. Away?
Cops come for no reason as Chuck should/could have just brought the moped home when he found it.
Decide it was a good thing the cops came, anyways, so Chuck and Jeff would not hurt anyone should they be confronted about said moped.
Laugh repeatedly as Chuck brings up the moped for the. rest. of. the. night.
Watch Sucker Punch.  Thinks its a strange movie, and feel slightly let down at the end. So, who's story was it?!?
Fall asleep at roughly 2:00-2:30 am.  (Yes, I know this was no longer Sunday)

4:30-5:45 - Completely sleep through alarm until I only have 30 minutes to get ready for work.  Fabulous!

Well, what can I say?  I got a verrrrrrrrrrryyy nice amount of sleep.

Friday, August 12, 2011

That's What I Like...

Hey, there!  Sorry for missing yesterday's post.  (I know, I know: I miss lots of posts...)  I had a few appointments to run yesterday - like picking up my new glasses - then went shopping with my mom and sister last night.

Our shopping trips - aka: to the grocery store - last hooooooouuuuuurrrrrrsssss.  For instance, yesterday we left my parents house at roughly 6:20, and we got home at 9:45.  Hours.

I begged asked my mom to stop by Whole Foods on our way and got to pick up some yogurt and hummus.  Ever tried LiberteOMG, love!  A little high on the calorie and fat-content, but, I have to admit: it was pretty much worth it.  I had the Mediterranee yogurt, but am dying to try their Greek version.  ...I just have to find a store that sells it, because even Whole Foods is a no-go.

So let's talk about why I'm really blogging today.  I just have to share this with you.  The beat is so damn addictive, and I just feel like... well, I'm no space cadet hippy Jesus I know know a good word for it! overly spiritual person, but I just feel like it feeds my soul.  Weird, right?

The song is New Villager by the Rich Doors, and you should so check it out.

Go ahead, let them draw you in, too!

Is there anything you're absolutely obsessed with, at the moment?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 Monday...Recap

Oh, boy!  Was Monday fun.  At least the part where I got to stuff my face with a helluva buncha different foods.  We're buffet a lot so we went to the Golden Corral at Arundel Mills Mall for dinner.  I know, very redneck.  I can admit that, and I'm ok with it.  I'm also bipolar, so maybe, perhaps you see that I don't have so much shame.

Take this, for instance.  *In very damnlol fashion* 


Accept very pale and with not an ounce of Native American blood in me.  Not to worry; Chuck has somewhere near, like, 1/4 Native American blood.  So he makes up for it. 

And please do not pay any attention to the dorm-room decor in the background.  I let the hubs decorate.  Except the painting on the wall.  That choice was all me.  I'll have to remember to snap a photo of it for ya'. 

Yes, that lamp is missing its shade.  I know I need to get a new one.

Anyway...back to the buffet.  I pondered taking pictures, and asked Chuck if it would be weird, but eventually settled on just inhaling eating my food and not creeping out the other patrons. 

I do have pictures of that Au Bon Pain Mayan Chicken Harvest Rice Bowl I had me the other day!  Can we say nom nom nom?  (side note: it has it's side effects.  I became well-acquainted with the bathroom at dinner because this caught up with me........... tmi?)

That's white rice (because I'm ricist...har dee har har?) as I wasn't in the mood for brown rice, along with some chipotle-covered chicken breast, topped with mixed greens, cucumbers, diced tomatoes, and carrots.  I'm proud to say it took my fat rear end two days to finish this, and not just the customary 1.

So where were we? Ohhhh, right.  The buffet.  I ate everything!  Nah, just kidding.  I did have...three plates, though.  Don't judge me?  Not to worry, dahling, these were normal-sized dinner plates, not those ginormous ones that most people *ahem* seem to buy nowadays...

My first plate: I filled half that baby with some fresh baby spinach, cucumbers, green peppers, carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, and cauliflower.  I also had a fried chicken thigh (because I'm a fat kid, people!), and grabbed two small pieces of breaded fish that I believe was cod, which I didn't finish because the breading tasted weird.  I think I'll stick with that ohohohmygosh breaded (and fried!) catfish from Whole Foods. 

Not too bad, if I do say so myself.  Hey, I did have two salads that day, if we're being technical.

My second plate: A slice of pizza.  Which sucked.  A buttery, homemade (let me pretend!) yeast roll, and some popcorn shrimp.  Now that I'm thinking about it, this was a rather small plate.  Apparently there wasn't much variety Monday.
My third plate: Pan seared (itty bitty) shrimp and steamed vegetables drizzled with scampi sauce.  They have a custom order steak and seafood bar that serves, well, steak, shrimp, tilapia, and scallops with the customary steak sauce, scampi sauce, lemon piccata, or spicy alfredo sauce.

For dessert I had some vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and a little bit of hot fudge.  I'm not a big fan of hot fudge.

I figure this was only entire day's worth of calories eaten in one sitting.  See maybe why I have weight issues?  Aaand maybe why I've gained so much weight the past year?  Nahh, it's not the buffet's fault; I could scarf down an entire buffet before I gained the weight.  My lame excuses are being stressed, over-worked, and wayyyyyy too happy and comfortable in my relationship.  I work way more than I did a year ago, so I don't have nearly any as much time as I used to.  And, like I said, you know the old saying about relationships (maybe?): once people've settled in a relationship they kinda start to let themselves go?  That saying is definitely something along those lines.  Maybe we've been having too much fun??  (or maybe I've just gotten really lazy?)

So after dinner we strolled through the mall, and I was unconstitutionally DENIED my right to spend 30-40 minutes in each store!  It was a travesty! 

Ok...I'm just kidding.

I did get these purdy pictures...

I love sunsets.

Are there any types of food - spicy, sweet, dairy-y - that have a weird affect on your body?  What one meal from any one restaurant (or homemade, I don't care) could you eat everday for the rest of your life?
Obviously some spicy foods 'go right through me'; and dairy has been giving me a slight stomach ache the past few weeks.  But I do eat a lot of ice cream so don't pay attention to me!

Meal?  Fo'geddaboudit!  I've always said I could survive on bread and cheese if I had to, and I totally stand by that claim.  As long as it isn't American/processed cheese, or blue or gorgonzola.  Because that's just nasty

Oh!  I don't like Swiss, either.  So no American/processed cheese, blue or gorgonzola cheese, or Swiss.  Got that?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Let the Sun Shine...

Hello, lovelies!  I have a huge, HUGE, HUGE meeting today, so my recap of Trashy Tuesday Monday will have to wait until tomorrow!

Until then please enjoy my lovely face...
Oh, sorry!  I didn't mean to scare you...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Move It Monday's where it's at...

I have one brief confession before I begin...

I am so going to a buffet tonight.  And I am so going to stuff my fat little face with yummy food.  What?  Yeah, I know this totally goes against the plan.  Psssshhhh, yeah, ok, I'll try to eat only foods that are ok'ed for my diet.  What?  What? It's my birthday Wednesday, let me live a little!  Geesh!

Ok, here's another confession: something is wrong with my camera.  It's being...bad.  (Because that's the only nice, appropriate adjective I can think of...)  Or maybe it's the computer I'm working on...  This thing doesn't have an SD slot, so I'm stuck hooking her up via USB.  So, I've hooked up the camera, right?  Then I turn the power on.  Ok.  The camera/computer makes a noise that some new hardware is connected... then a menu is supposed to pop up so I can pull pictures from the camera.  Where is my pop-up?!? Oh, sure, it appears after I turn the camera off.  And, then if I go into My Computer and try to get pictures that way, it just tells me the camera is in use.


So, anyhow, this ruins the post I had planned.  I was gonna introduce you to the FABULOUS Mayan Chicken Harvest Rice Bowl from Au Bon Pain.  Say it with me: OH.  MY.  GOSH... this was good.  Maybe tomorrow?

Well, so on to the introductions.  Today is the first ever Move It Monday.  This is where I post, for all to see, my workout plan for the coming week.  This week is really slow and easy.  Please don't judge?  I haven't been very active lately, and I'm really just a novice, basically, I look pathetic.  Ok?

Sunday - Sunday stunk.  I felt pretty bad all day (headache, dizzy, really tired) so I stayed in bed all day.  And ate just about all the leftovers in my house.  Including cake, half a chicken parmesan sub, and broccoli, mac & cheese.  Not my proudest moments.

Monday -  Since I'm going out to eat tonight I'm gonna switch it up this week.  So technically today is my Trashy Tuesday, when I get to eat what I want, without exercise, and not feel guilty about it.  (but we all know I will anyways, so...yeah.)

Tuesday -  Jog/Walk 10/2/10 (that's 10 minute jog, 2 minute walk, 10 minute jog)

Wednesday - 10/2/10, 2x25situps, 2x10pushups

Thursday - 10/2/10, Nancy Marmot ab video

Friday -  Break day, 2x25situps, 2x10pushups

Saturday -  46 Minute Jog/Walk (10/2 minute intervals)

What do you think?  I was going to give myself a choice Saturday and possibly take a bike ride, but I'm going grocery shopping that day so that would be way too long.  (I don't currently drive, so I get to hoof it to the store.  Wait!  That's exercise, right?!)

Are any of your errands within walking distance?

Here I Come...

This is week a transition-week of sorts.  I'm transitioning to a new diet.  And by diet, I mean that in the most literal sense of the word.  This is not temporary, this is my new lifestyle.  Of sorts.  I get to deviate every once in awhile.

I've studied (and been a part of) a few diets: Atkins -- I participated for a few months, before demolishing a loaf of bread -- Vegetarian and Vegan -- again, a few months.  But I sure missed my chicken...and ice get the picture; I've pondered joining Nutrisystem; I've studied the Mediterranean diet, the Paleo diet, being Gluten-free and Sugar-free... Let's just admit that I have a serious problem with my weight and dieting, shall we?

I've come to conclusion that out of all the "diets" I've encountered the Mediterranean diet seems to make the most sense to me.  Plus, women around the Mediterranean have fabulous bodies, so how can I go wrong?  Ok, enough about my underlying motives, and on to the real stuff.

The Mediterranean diet is just that, it is centered around the different foods that peoples of the Mediterranean eat, and have eaten for centuries (millenia?).  My diet will be composed of fruits & vegetables, legumes, nuts & seeds; of predominantly fish, and some meat, poultry, and eggs thrown in there sparingly; of dairy, glorious dairy; and get this: wine.  Yes, I am allotted one glass of wine per day.  Why?  Because it contributes to heart-health.  So take that!

This makes sense to me logically.  Afterall, the Greeks -- especially the Spartans, have you seen those guys -- Romans (maybe a bad example, considering they invented the term "glutton", but ok...), Turks, Spaniards, Portugeuse... alot of folks have been thriving on this diet for hundreds to thousands of years.  And they're healthy.  Awesomely healthy!  Sure, the Paleo diet makes alot of sense, but we were also living in caves, and had to forage/hunt/fish ALL day EVERY day to gather those foods that we lived on.  I don't know about you, but I sit in front of a computer 8 hours of the day, and my refridgerator hasn't run away from me yet, so my activity level and metabolism just aren't up to that kind of diet.  Not to mention I just can't quit you, Cheese!

The Mediterranean diet also teaches us to sit down, and enjoy our food.  To eat with friends and loved ones, to hold a conversation.  To be social.  This feeds us mentally, emotionaly, and spiritually, thus further nurturing our bodies in the right ways.  When I first began this blog I was sitting down every night with my fiance and our roommate for dinner.  Well, that's gotten away from us in the past few months as we've gotten busier, and our house has gotten more cluttered (thanks for bringing all that stuff in, Babe!).  No way this is gonna stand anymore!  And it hasn't.  Since Friday we've sat down to dinner together.  Every.  Night.  And it's gonna stay this way.  Damnit!

Oh, and it's also quite possible that I'll be modifying this diet further to eliminate Gluten from my diet.  And trust me that's a HUGE step for me.  So, no promises, ok?

This week won't be perfect.  No, it'll be a step in the right direction, but I won't be able to get to the grocery store until this coming weekend, so I'll have to make do.  Now, if I could just talk myself out of going to the Malaysian restaurant and hitting the salad bar instead.........

What would you call your "diet"?  Are you a vegetarian, a meatatarian, a flexitarian?  Have you  participated in Weight Watchers, the Atkins diet, or another (possibly extreme) diet?

Friday, August 5, 2011

If We're Being Honest...

Ok, it's time to be frank.  I can't believe I'm about to say this.  To put all my bidness out there.  Oh snap!  She's going there!

So....... over the course of the past year, due to some, um, things in my life I have gained... dun dun dun... 30 pounds.  30 pounds.  Did you get that?  30.  Pounds.  Thirty pounds!!!

And now?  I'm just not so comfortable in my own skin anymore.  Or my clothes, for that matter.  Oh yes, it's time to get on with the fitness and out with the nasty, junky foods.  And the stress.  And the laziness.  The unhappin-- no, that one's a lie.  I've been quite happy.  Lots of happy things have happened.

Maybe, perhaps I'm hoping that by blasting myself via teh internets it'll be motivation more motivation to get off my sorry, lazy ass and get back into shape!  And so, hence the new daily spotlight blogs beginning next week.  I've got my first Move It Monday post due, well, Monday.  Wish me luck?  And please feel free to weigh in with yo' stuff in the comments.  Oh, and make sure to tune in Monday for my first ever Move It Monday! 

Anyone need a motivational buddy?!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Home at last

I've decided it's been far too long since my last post.  I feel bad.  Life has gotten pretty crazy, and somewhere along the way, in the hectic mess that is my life... I lost you.  But here we are again, like old friends, speaking as if no time has past at all.

Right? Well, same to you!

I'm going to try to have more direction and organization here.  Hopefully that will make it easier, and maybe a little more urgent that I make my daily posts.  So, beginning next week I will be introducing a few new sections:

Move It Monday
This will be where I post my workout plan for the week and discuss AT LEAST 5 new workout tools (new exercises, new videos, new gadgets, etc...) that I will use to grow my fitness regime.  (How very militant of me!)

Trashy Tuesday
This is my free day.  I won't be working out today, and I get to EAT WHAT I WANT.  In moderation, of course.  Everything in moderation.  (If only you could see my face right now.....)  And I will capture every glorious moment.  Every cupcake.  Every Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.  My outer inner fat-kid child is getting hungry just thinking about it!

What Grinds My Gears Wednesday
Hey, Family Guy!  This is where my mental health and sanity come into play.  I get to complain on this day.  But then I have to find AT LEAST 5 things that are making me happy at the moment, or that bring me some semblance of peace in my times of chaos.  You can join in, too!

Tempting Thursday
All about food.  Well, ok, this whole blog is about food.  But, seriously, I will post one recipe (with results) that I have tried the past week.

Forget-Me-Not Friday
It's Friday!  I think today I will suggestions?

Saturdays and Sundays will be free days.  I will post about my workouts, food, and fun adventures with my sweetie, and our [evil] pups.

Until then, why don't you go check out my current favorite blog!

What inspires you to keep pursuing your hobbies?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Let the Queen reign!

My mom brought Raja over to visit.  I loved it; Zanders had no idea what to do.  And she tortured the crap outta him.  Hah!  That'll teach you to eat my shoes, you little jerk!

Both Raja and Zanders (and Zanders' brother, George, our other demon-child-dog) are 7 months old.  Zanders is roughly a week or so older.  But since he's an annoying little yappy Shitpoo and not a real dog, he is also roughly the size of Raja's head.  Because Raja is an English Mastiff.  A giant.  A half-grown, 70-pound, clumsy, lovable oaf who steals things from the countertop, and who is fiercely loyal to my 2-year old niece.  *Sigh* I wish she was mine.  Instead I'm stuck with those other two.

I did get a short video of Raja terrorizing Zanders while he hid under the table them playing together, but this is also the day my kitchen ceiling caved in (a little) from our suck-ass plumbing and I had a pool in my kitchen.  So you don't get to see it, 'k?

I have lots to update, all in good time, my friends, so stay tuned and have a wonderful Humpday!!

Do you have any pets?  What are yours like -- more specifically: do they eat your shoes?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Half-Meatloaf...Like a Bat out of Hell

So...  my half-meatloaf was a bust.  Totally.  It was a major failure.  But, hey-- that kind of thing happens, right?

Instead, I can give you the perfect recipe for... takeout!  Haha, just kidding.

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!  I've got some exciting news this week.  Well, ok, I've got a potential venture that I'm getting super excited for that I want everyone to cross their fingers for to share with everyone. 

Until tomorrow!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Set the Rain on Fire

*Sigh* I love Adele.  Don't you?

I have decided today will be a Hippie Dippie Day.  Yes, a Hippie Dippie Day.  I just jumped out of the shower, and threw on some shorts and a black tee, and then all the sudden I just wanted to wear my hemp shirt.  At least, I think it's hemp.  Either way, it's the look.  So I'm sitting here looking like the perfect Beachbunny-Hippie, will crazy, wet, wavy hair, and no makeup.  Such a shame my hair won't cooperate anymore once it's dry...

Today I'm also working on cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, and getting some clothes put away; and I'm also trying out a Half-Meatloaf recipe.  I'll let you know how that goes a little later on, and I'll post some pics!  (Of the Hippie Dippie look, too. I promise!)

What clothes do you feel the most relaxed wearing?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Baby, come back

So, I've not been very good at this blogging thing.  I'se sowwy.  Will you ever forgive me?  I guess maybe I work too much, or just spend too much time commuting everyday (on top of an 8-hour work day, I spend 4 hours riding A)the Metro, B)The Marc train, and C)The bus to/from work).  I really don't know; maybe I'm just lazy.

But that must stop.  It must, if I want to bond with an make good friends with all you awesome readers across the Internets.

[From Google]

Anywho...I'm gonna be experimenting with a new recipe for Cheesy Garlic Quinoa later on...recipe to follow.

Don't leave me, ok?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Get'ur Grind On

My [future] stepson and stepdaughter spent the night last night.  We had a good time: KB (the little lady) drew pictures and played with stickers with me, and her brother TJ was on the xbox with his dad.  Then my sweetie decided to fall asleep on the couch, and I was left to entertain/distract both the kids.  The computers (my laptop and his PC) saved. my. life.  KB watched Strawberry Shortcake on Jaroo (<-- have u seen that? it's like Hulu, but just for kids!!) and TJ watched some Power Rangers on Hulu.  Thank you, tv-on-the-internet!

So... who wants to help me clean up the kitchen...?

On another note... I had a pretty good workout today.  I've totally been in a funk lately, and I must admit my eating habits have SUCKKKKKED!!!  Can't help it with all the crap we keep in the house (uhhh, why are you here, Nutty Bars and Tulip cakes?!?)  Well on our recent trip to the grocery store (*Stupid grin*) I stocked up on fruits and veggies.  I have a great new Quinoa Salad recipe (to be posted a little later on), and I'm totally excited.  Diet and fitness kick is back on!

[Here I am after dancing around my living room...aren't I lovely?] 

What is your least favorite housekeeping chore?

Friday, May 13, 2011

What?!??? Sun Shinin' on my Weekend...I hope

My blog from yesterday has mysteriously disappeared-- removed by Blogspot due to some errors they have been having.  And apparently it's not coming back.


Well, let's see if I can sum this up, then, shall we?  I do believe it was a fabulous post on my love of grocery stores and grocery shopping.  (Yes, I am a huge dork!)  And then my awesome plans for a cookout/picnic this weekend for me, my honey, and our roomate.  I can't 100% remember the menu I had planned, and, well, I didn't pick everything up that was on the list during our trip to the store last night (yaaaaay, store!), so I'll have to revise it a little.  But then, if you haven't seen it anyways, is it still revising?  Oh, well, here's the menu:
~ Hamburgers & Hotdogs or Kielbasa
~ Macaroni Salad
~ Potato Salad (for me, because I'm selfish...and the sweetie doesn't like it anyhow)
~ Quinoa Salad (with green peppers, onion, and tomato)
~ Grilled Zucchini and Banana Squash (OMG! I love squash!)
~ *Probably* Baked French Fries with gravy for dippin'
~ Veggies to snack on (cucumbers, carrots...oh no! I forgot the broccoli!)
~ Cut fruit to snack on (we got watermelon, oranges, strawberries, apples, nanners', mango, and grapes!)
~ Chips and salsa

Oh, Hellooooooo, weekend!

Another plus this Saturday: the honey's son and daughter will be coming over, so I'm excited for that!  We're planning on taking them to a picnic hosted by the honey's mother's company.  Unfortunately it's supposed to rain tomorrow, and we're not sure if the shindig is a rain or shine thing, so we may end up all hanging out at home.  In which case I should probably have a backup plan for food and fun.  Got to get working on that! 

Wish me luck, and I hope you have just as great a weekend as I plan to have!

What are your favorite rainy day activities?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

...I Like Grocery Stores

For as long as I can remember my favorite past time has shopping.  No, really.  Case in point, I'm sitting here writing up a grocery list for my honey to take to the store...and I can't be more excited.  I'm walking down the aisles in my head.  Once I am finished, I will spend the next hour going back over the list in my head, and calling him every time I realize I have forgotten something.

[Oh, a Shoppin' we will go...]

His response will most likely be that, according to my list, he should pick up one of each fruit, one of each vegetable, one of each bread selection, and everything in between.  Which is so not true.  --we don't need onions or garlic because we already have a few of each.

I'm excited for this weekend, though.  I'm thinking: cookout.  I'm thinking classic/traditional as fattening as you can get cookout.  We just have to pick up my camping grill from my parents house, and a solution for the dogs so they can stay outside with us (without sneaking away to explore!!).  The meal I'm planning looks something like this:
Meat Product
(haven't decided what protein to cook, yet)
Potato Salad
Quinoa Salad (perhaps)
Grilled Squash
Grilled Peppers
Fruit salad, plain fruit to snack on, or parfaits
(watermelon, grapes, strawberries, apples, oranges, 'nanners)
Veggies to snack on
...and most likely chips and dip/salsa and/or cheese and crackers

Talk about a feast...for 3 people.  Maybe we'll invite some friends over...

What do you remember the most about summer cookouts?  What are/were the staples at your family cookouts?
I remember that my family finally took the time to slow down and enjoy a meal together!  We stuck to the basics: we always had hamburgers, hot dogs, and corn, but everything else varied depending on our moods (and the items in our kitchen).

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hmmm: A Challenge

I'm having a love affair with the song Heartbeats.  Now I had heard The Knife's (original) version of the song in passing, but I think the lyrics really hit me when I heard Jose Gonzalez' version slow it down--alot.

[That's The Knife]

[and that is Jose Gonzalez]

Both the original and Gonzalez' mix are fabulous, but they make me feel differently.  The song captures perfectly a moment in Vigi Mathers' new project Infernal Legacy...but the problem is I just can't decide which version it is that evokes the right emotions/feelings for me.  How can one song, with one set of lyrics produce such different, far-ranging emotions?

This got me to thinking.  Perhaps you can help.  I think we'll even make a little contest out of this one.
1. Listen to each version of the song Heartbeats.  The KnifeJose Gonzalez.
2. How does each version make you feel?  Write down a list of feelings, emotions, adjectives, whatever comes to mind while you're hearing each version of the song. (Post in the comments below)
 3. Shoot!  If you want, write your own short story or poem based on your interpretation of the song, its music, and its lyrics.  Then e-mail 'em to me and I'll compile a nice page with all the submissions for your viewing pleasure.  Who knows?  Perhaps this could become a thing.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why, Do I Do That to You?

Sometimes I just can't help it.  Well, ok, most of the time I can't help it, but I am a complete witch.  Only substitute a b- for that w-.

[Yep, that's me]

Now, I'm very honest about the fact that I'm bipolar-- and, for the record, I was bipolar before Catherine Zeta-Jones and Demi Lovato made it "ok" -- but sometimes I have no clue what the hell is wrong with me!  Seriously, have you ever had to sit back and just think "WTF is your problem, Looney Tune?!?"

[Yes, you, Psycho!]

So, my sweetie has been MIA on business for the past three weeks, and during that time we really didn't get much of a chance to talk.  A sane normal person would be ecstatic upon his return, no?  A normal person would be happy just to have him home, and to be able to finally talk.  Nope, not me!  My crazy ass decides that I'm going to get mad; angry; irritable; just downright bitchy.

The worst thing?  I know I'm wrong.  I just don't know what is setting me off, so I have no clue when said bitch is going to surface during the course of our conversations.  I know, I know: I live an enviable life, people.
[Uh, yeah.  Right.]

But, seriously, I appreciate my fiance.  I love him with every fiber in my body, and I wouldn't trade him for anything!  (Accept maybe.... ok, nothing.)

Do you have that one person in your life who you just can't help but love && hate, all at the same time?

Friday, May 6, 2011

You Write the Story of my Life...

This is totally unrelated to...anything, and completely beside the point, but...

I want Slexie back!!!!!

[Oh, McSteamy, why are you so gorgeous!?!]

May the Force be With...Me?

I am not having such a good time with this whole lifestyle and diet change-thing.  Well, in fact, I am not having such a good time with this whole life-thing at all.

[I feel like ^this^.  It isn't very attractive.]

Everything just seems to be going... wrong.  Or, perhaps a better explanation would be that things - nothing, actually - seems to be going to plan or at all favorably.  Things suck. 

I've got financial woes out the ass so even though I do fairly well in the salary arena, I never seem to come out ahead.  (Actually, more often than not I come out faaaaaar behind...still)  And, never one to be unsupportive of the sweetheart, I also deal with his stressors.  Afterall, he and I are going to be a we, so his problems are my problems, too.  Add to all this the 19 year old we invited to be our roommate... when did I have a kid?  I don't remember giving birth, but apparently I am now a crazed lunatic who is becoming her parents way too fast proud mother.

And I know... I know it will get better with time.  Be patient, be optimistic, and never give up, those are the virtues I have to which I must cling.  Although, ya know, sometimes I would much rather just give in to the nut job inside me ( if I don't already...); things would all be so much easier then.  It was Teddy Roosevelt an African proverb that said "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" -- I like big sticks, and I like how those Africans rolled. 

Well, on a brighter note...or maybe just on a note that cheers me up ever so slightly, Katie over at Making this Home posted this today.  I had to smile.  If you don't then I guess you just don't have a soul........  I kid, I kid.

How do you handle stressful times in your life?  What do you use as inspiration to keep you motivated?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fit for Royalty

Who was up at 3:00am this morning to watch the Royal Wedding?!?  Not I.  I looked over all the pictures and articles on E!Online this morning.  Beautiful dress, Sarah Burton, you sly dog!  And Harry-- oh, boy! did he look mighty fine in all his regalia.  I've never been a big fan of the princes, but I sure am coming around.  (btw, please, please get rid of Chelsy Davy...)

Anyhoo, congrats to the wonderful, seemingly undeniably in-love pair!  Here's to a great future for William and Kate!

So, in more boring personal news, I've had just about the worst week dealing with allergies, and all around general sickness/illness.  I got a migraine (with aura, if you've ever heard of it) last night, and ended up calling my mom to inquire as to the symptoms of stroke.  Now, I've gotten these horrible migraines in the past, complete with persistent sun-spot-like visual impairment, and speech-slurring.  So, I knew, or should have known that I was not having a stroke.  But I think I wanted some attention.  Here's hoping the weekend proves more relaxing and less stress-filled!

Did you watch the Royal Wedding?

Do you still call your mom (or dad) when you're sick?

Monday, April 25, 2011

I Think I Might Go Crazy

I want one of these shirts.

Sometimes, just sometimes I actually watch those annoying infomercials that are on tv on the weekends.  And sometimes I actually want the product being advertised.  Case in point, The Insanity Workout DVD (program?).  This thing looks fierce.  And real.  Like, as in it actually has real results.  And I am actually tempted to buy said fitness program.  I want to "earn" one of those Insanity t-shirts getting in the "greatest shape of [my] life in 60 days."

Should I?  Would you?

I'm one of those people who likes encouragement while I'm exercising, and who doesn't particularly like traditional modes of fitness; I do love cycling, and weightlifting is awesome but running is not for me (or my knees) and I would much rather be outside hiking, walking, biking, whatever than in a gym or my living room.  Maybe it's the illusion that I'm not actually working out.  Correction, maybe it's because I'm not dwelling on the fact that I'm working out, and that I'm just having fun (and outside, which is always a plus).  I don't know.  Either way, I don't want to be painfully (pun intended) bored during a workout.

There are some indoor workouts I enjoy.  Particularly there are some workout DVDs that I enjoy, and it's mostly because I like and can easily follow the trainer and/or their directions.

Could Shaun T be one of those trainers?  Could Insanity be one of those DVDs?  I'm tempted to find out.  And I'm curious to know if any of you have taken the Insanity challenge.  Weigh in below.

What's your favorite way to workout?  If you watch DVDs, what is your favorite training program or trainer and what it is about their product that motivates you or keeps you interested?
I love my bike.  Nothing beats a five-mile ride taking in great scenery while getting a killer workout in the process!  I love trainers who work at a steady, even pace, and who build on routines step by step to give watchers enough time to learn/pick up on them.

Oh, yeah: it's Easter!

Hope everyone had a very Happy Easter!  Mine was spent pretty lazily in my apartment, misguided by the sun shining through my patio door that it was hot outside.  Apparently, just because it is 84 degrees inside, does not mean that it isn't cool, breezy and otherwise awesome outside.  Who knew?

[My cute-as-awww-get-out...and seriously evil devilish niece at last year's Easter egg hunt]

Anyhow... I have given notice to my fiance that I am going to kill fed up with our dogs.  They finished off my last decent pair of shoes while I was sleeping (Friday night?  Saturday morning?!) this weekend.  I threatened them all day, with all kinds of nasty, cruel punishments (that I would never really inflict upon them); and I even evicted Zanders (the younger, smaller, stupider, I-think-I'm-super-adorable-so-you-can't-punish-me-for-anything dog) last week, putting him out the patio door and shutting the blinds-- for all of two minutes. 

Well, Sunday came around, and they were awesome.  So well behaved.... ok, as well behaved as they were going to be.  And then comes today.  And a phonecall from my roommate who returned home from work to find that my new wall ornaments loooooovely dogs had ripped up more of the carpetting in front of my bedroom door. 
And I don't feel at all better after typing that, either.  I feel like going home and spraying some of the nasty "bitter/sour apple" training spray -- that I had to purchase over the weekend for $10 -- in their face.  At least I would find some temporary satisfaction in their whining and discomfort.

[My (not) Hero]

... Accept that I would then feel super bad for them... because I, too, know what it is like to have that terrible, awful, disgusting, horrible, yucky, indescribable (yes, I can go on with these adjectives all day!) taste in my mouth.

... Because I was curious the other day to know "just how does 'bitter/sour apple' training spray taste, exactly?"  Oh boy!  Yes, my dumb rear end picked up bottle, held it to my mouth and put my tongue up to the spray-hole.  I didn't even spray it in my mouth; I licked residue of "bitter/sour apple" training spray!  And it was horrible.  It was, by far, the worst experience of my life.  Yes, it was that bad.  Worse.

I drank water.  Ewwww!   Ewww!  Get it out.  OMGEEEE this is awful!  But the water made it stronger.  It, diffused the stuff evenly over each and every taste-bud in my mouth.
Have you ever wanted to burn the taste-buds out of your mouth?  No, really.
I drank milk.  I held the milk in my mouth hoping that it would have the same effect on this stuff that it has on... whatever that spicy chemical is capsaicin.  I gargled the milk to make sure it got to every taste-bud.  No go.  Ahhhhhh!  Move, move!  I need to get in the bathroom.  Must.  Brush.  Teeth.  Ohhhhh, this is the worst thing ever!

... To round things up: I had to brush my teeth 3 times...and I still had a slightly yucky taste in my mouth the rest of the night.  My fiance thought it was hilarious.  I should have just believed him when he told me it was super-ultra-mad-concentrated stuff.

Moral of the story: Don't lick stuff that is meant to train puppies and other animals not to chew on furniture and what not.  Oh, what the hell -- don't lick any foreign thing, just to be on the safe side.  Because I probably need someone to smack me upside the head and tell me "DUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Have a great week, everyone!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Fourth Seat Back...

In lieu of the postings that I have missed over the past - what is it? - two weeks I felt I just had to post something.

So, here goes:
  1. What was the last thing you bought?
  2. How much did it cost?
  3. How much do you have in your Emergency Fund right now?
  4. How much will you spend this Easter Weekend?
  5. How many pairs of underpants do you own?
  6. *EXTRA CREDIT: What seat should you take?
I blatantly stole borrowed this from Budgets Are Sexy but only because it's awesome!

My answers...
1. Let’s see…my last purchase: *sigh* a pack of cigarettes
2. Wait for it……….. $8.15. Because Washington, DC is awesome that way – being on the expensive side, and all.
3. I do have an Emergency Fund. Unfortunately it only has a few dollars at the moment. I have been funnelling small sums of money to it each paycheck, but my #1 priority right now is cutting down debt. I know, I know, my Emergency Fund is just as important as reducing debt, but it just has not happened yet.
4. I will spend nothing this Easter Weekend as I have plenty of time to do AFTER-Easter shopping for the children (my fiance’s 2 children, and my 2 nieces) I will (thankfully) see AFTER-Easter. Plus, we spent nothing on the Easter egg and craft-making we did with my fiance’s 2 kids last weekend!
5. No idea? Most likely 20-30 pairs
*Extra Credit* I like the fourth seat from the front, by the window. If you’ve ever ridden in a Coach bus (Grey Hound, etc.) you’ll know why!

I'd love to see some of your responses in my comments!

Oh, and btw...I promise I'll post some goodness soon.  I've had a few posts in the works while MIA!

Friday, April 15, 2011

If you whistle, I will come...

I have a post on the way.  I totally promise.

You see, it's all just a matter of getting some pictures/photos together.  I love photography, yet I haven't posted even one thing of my own!  So, I've vowed decided that I'm going to make sure I include at least something of my own from now on!  ...don't want you to get bored of me, afterall!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Well, I did have a post in the works yesterday; however, with Government Shutdown 2011 looming in my future as a Federal government contractor...I'm just not up to finishing it.

I'll be back, hopefully in a short while (come on, Congress!!!), when I have more drive, and more pleasant topics to sound off on.

Thanks for reading (briefly).


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Buffets are bad.  Not so much in the sense that the food is bad -- though, some of it, to be sure, is bad.  Yet, at the same time it's so hard (for me, at least?) to resist sampling all the different fare offered.  I'll admit, my sweetie and I have a little problem with buffets.  We're addicted.

I was pleasantly surprised last night though, when we stopped in a buffet that I had never been to before.  The seafood array was impressive: grilled salmon, steamed shrimp, flounder, even octopus and oysters.  To be honest, there were some other, not so healthy dishes, such as Maryland crab cakes (nom nom nom), fried shrimp, and stuffed crabs; but I loved every minute of it.  My only comment: coulda had more veggies.  Just saying.  I love my veggies, and, besides the lack of a frozen yogurt machine -- because, come on, all buffets are supposed to have an ice cream or frozen yogurt machine -- I think this was the only disappointment of the whole affair.

You may be thinking, "they went to a buffet...for their anniversary?"  The answer is yes.  Now, if you'll take some time out from cringing over all the greasy food-possibilities running through you mind, let me explain.  When we met we were both always pretty low on cash; buffets were, at the time, our only option if we wanted to go out and get a semi quality meal at any affordable price.  Since, then, though, we've just found that the time we spend eating (plate after plate) gives us a great chance to talk and reconnect; to see what's going on in each other's life.  To focus on us.

So, yes, I still feel felt like a stuffed pig.  Yes, buffets are bad, especially if you're trying to eat and live healthier.  But for us, it's ok; for us buffets are just so darn good.

How do you reconnect with friends and family in this fast-paced, ever-stressful world?

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Mess of Mayonnaise

I had such great plans for this morning: wake up at 4:30 to sneak in a quick workout and straighten my hair, and then to make breakfast and lunches for me and the sweetie.

[Know the source?]

And then 5:30 came and I was just rolling out of bed.  I attempted to straighten my hair, for all of five minutes, when I decided that I just was not going to have time to get that and everything else accomplished.  So I threw my hair back in a half-pony, painted my face with some makeup, and headed downstairs for breakfast.  Boy!  Did that ever turn out fun.

I went through 3 pans until I finally found one that cooked pancakes properly without turning off (the skillet), or burning them (the little black aluminum frying pan).  Got the eggs scrambled just fine, albeit without milk because I forgot to mix it in; and had water boiling for coffee to feed my sweetie and our roommate.  I think, off of my plate, I ate maybe 3 bites, finishing off my eggs and a portion of my pancakes.  I'm kinda missing those pancakes right now, though.  I bet they were good!

So then I had to rush around and grab lunchmeat and bread and mayonnaise and mustard out of the fridge for sandwiches for the sweetie.  Threw all that together and added some snacks to the mix with just this much time left to spare.  Oh no!  I didn't make anything for me to eat for lunch.

And that is how I ended up with 2 oranges, a Go-Gurt (I have never eaten one of those things before...and, um, they're not that great), a hot dog--yes, just one--and 3 slices of bread.  Yep, I finished off the rest of the bread; I didn't eat all 3 slices, but I didn't have time to open the bag and grab a slice out before we had to rush out the door to get me to the bus stop.  Not to mention by that time I was freaking out because I had probably 5-7 minutes to get to the bus stop!!

Lucky for me my sweetie was kind enough to take me to the stop before he even sat down to eat.  By the way, wish us luck-- it's our 2-year Anniversary!

The adventure begins...

Welcome to my new home on the web Adventures in...Life, Love, and Health.  I love to write, and I've attempted blogging in the past, but sometimes there just isn't enough time in the day to devote to such things.  Well, I've vowed to make a committment to better health, and writing contributes (immensely) to the state of my mental and spritual health (please see link above :] ), so here goes.  Of course, my newfound addiction to love for reading blogs and connecting with other people through their writing has helped to fuel this desire to blog again.

I'll be writing (well, attempting anyway) about my daily adventures...and disasters, exciting outings with the hubs future Mister, my road to better physical health through exercise, and of!  Sound like your cup o' tea?  Stick around and maybe we can grow together!

So, where to begin?  Ah, yes, I know...
Moved out of parents and into my very own place.  Check. 
One more item I can mark off the list of goals.  So many new adventures to experience-- and obstacles to overcome.  It's empowering, but at the same time I was so nervous, right up until I had those precious keys in my hand!  (Alright, just between you and me, I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm still really nervous that something BIG will go wrong...just the craziness talking?)  It's (seriously) only been a week since we moved in, and being working-folk, we're not completely settled in, yet.  But pictures will be on their way soon!

How do you do to nourish your mind and soul?